In the course of my daily routine, I am always conscious of something that exists on the edges of the everyday, present yet difficult to grasp.
This mysterious thing, when it reveals itself, has more of an air of truth than reality itself and is difficult for me to ignore. As much as possible, I try to naturally confront this existence.
To create a three-dimensional piece, a variety of art materials can be used. In general, I wanted to use paint materials that create a feeling of warmth and depth.
Even amongst the various paint materials, Japanese lacquer (URUSHI) was the first material that I felt spiritual power and life energy from.
Lacquer is a natural material which comes from the resin of trees and resembles the blood that flows through us. You can feel its lifeforce and will. URUSHI is the material that I am most infatuated with right now.
- 07.04.2024京都 蔦屋書店 個展「しろくゆらす」/ solo exhibition at Kyoto TSUTAYA BOOKS
- 03.15.2024solo exhibition 《棲身於・Habitat of Wrapped Indication》 in Taiwan
- 03.14.2023solo exhibition “MY LITTLE PLANET” in Hong Kong
- 03.09.2023ART FAIR TOKYO 2023 / アートフェア東京
- 11.01.2022“マイ・ファースト・アート展” / 伊勢丹新宿店 (Tokyo)
- 10.13.2022“Living with Art” / Lane Crawford “PACIFIC PLACE HOME STORE” (Hong Kong)
- 09.28.2022アートフェアアジア福岡 / ART FAIR ASIA FUKUOKA 2022
- 09.02.2022KIAF 2022 / KOREA
- 04.11.2021Diary about 2018 Taiwan solo exhibition
- 11.09.2015【KIAF 2015】한국국제아트페어 KIAF 2015
- 11.09.2015【ART BUSAN 2015】아트부산 2015 韓国/釜山
- 11.09.2015【Kanako Ozawa solo exhibition】韓国ソウル -gallery a cube-
- 06.17.2014小澤香奈子展 / Kanako Ozawa Exhibition 2014
- 03.28.2013ART FAIR TOKYO 2013
- 11.13.2012ART TAIPEI 2012